The Boys Season comes to an end
The Reds had a great start to the week as they pulled out a win against the Platte Valley Broncos with a final score of 60-55. Loveland player of the week on Wednesday night was voted on by KFKA news and was awarded to Zac Grable (23). Z. Grable had a season-high of 15 points and was all over the court playing great basketball. Grable said, “It was good to pull a win out after losing our other rival games. It was definitely a confidence booster.”
The leading scorers for the Reds were Z. Grable with 15 points, Scott Grable (21) with 12, and Walker Martin (23) with 11 points. The boys were aggressive and weren’t afraid to take shots on the Broncos as the boys dropped ten three-pointers. When playing tough and well-developed teams like Platte Valley, rebounding is essential for success. The leading rebounders for the Reds were Martin with 13, Z. Grable with four, and both Cole Schumacher (21) and S. Grable had three rebounds.
In the second game of the week against Brush on March 4, the Reds fell short to the Beetdiggers in a heart breaking game. The final score was 79-83, which unfortunately ended the 2021 basketball season for the boys. The boys battled until the end and it showed. Scott Grable (21) had 28 points, Walker Martin (23) had 26 points, Zac Grable (23) and Jaden Stone (22) both had 12 points. Martin said, “I am sad about how the season finished, but I am still super excited for next season and ball out with my team again. I think that we learned a lot about ourselves as young men and as basketball players.” Will Grable (23) said, “I am super proud of all our seniors and I am thankful for everything that they have done for me these past two years and I am going to miss them a lot.”
The boys had a very productive season and the Eaton community can’t wait to see the Reds come out stronger next season.