Boys Basketball is Back
As Season B rolls around the corner Eaton High School men’s basketball prepares for the season that officially begins Jan. 18,
2021. Last year for the Reds the boys went 19-5 overall and 8-2 for the regular season. The Reds lost six seniors from the 2019-20 season: Bryce Leafgren, Nic Inda, Walker Scott, Ethan Vannest, Spencer Renfroe, and Derek Renfroe. This year Scott Grable (21), Gage Butler (21), and Cole Schumacher (21) step into their senior seasons and are in high hopes of winning a championship. The Reds season last year fell short to Manual in the playoffs, the Reds losing 72-65.
From an offensive standpoint, the Reds had an average of 68.5 points per game with a total of 1,644 points on the season. The leading scorers for the reds were Ryan Ure (21) 341, Grable 285, and Butler 258. With an average of 14.5 assists per game, the Reds are looking stable from an offensive perspective.
Head Coach Dean Grable said, “My goal for the season is to just play the best basketball we can every possession.” The Reds have high expectations set for the season but with COVID things can get shaky. Grable said, “I think the biggest challenge will be wearing a mask while playing basketball. I can’t imagine trying to play a game with a mask on the entire time… but I’m excited for working with the team and developing young men our community can be proud of.”
Rolling into the 2021 season the Reds will face the Highland Huskies at home. Several Weld County school districts came together with a plan and hopefully a set number for spectators will be released soon, so stay tuned for further updates.