The best of Netflix according to EHS
Students at EHS keeping themselves busy with new shows and movies.

Netflix is one of the greatest time passers for being stuck at home all day. With the thousands of movies and shows there are to watch, it is impossible to get bored. The genres range from horror, comedy, action and romantic comedies. During quarantine, students get bored of just sitting in one place all day doing work for the majority of their day. It is refreshing to take a break every once in a while to get re-motivated. Everyone has a favorite show or movie on Netflix that they love to watch. Abiah Randel (23), recommends students watch “The Protector”. She said, “I enjoyed watching “The Protector” because it was a very action-filled movie and it challenged your mind to think what it would actually be like to be in the situations.” “The Protector” is one of many action movies on Netflix for students who like to be on the edge of their seats. Dayana Hernandez (23) recommended more of a variety of shows. She said, “I would recommend students to either watch “Grey’s Anatomy” if they are into doctor type shows or “All American” because it is a very interesting show as well. “Criminal Minds” or “Vampire Diaries” are also other good shows I would recommend to watch because they always kept me hooked.” These shows are just some options of many that students at Eaton High School may be interested in to watch during times of social distancing and taking the precautionary measures necessary for COVID-19.