2020 holiday setbacks
With COVID-19 is still on the rise, families and friends are having to find alternative ways to spend time together on holidays.
Get-togethers, going out, traveling, and many other amazing holiday highlights this year will be going through a significant change. Many holidays are having major setbacks or being canceled this year. People with weak immune systems have to take extra precautions to make the best of their holiday.
Many families brought a different approach to Halloween, with more people wearing costumes with masks or costumes with helmets. Trick-or-treating had a different turn as well, with many people setting out bowls of candy instead of passing candy out in order to avoid contact. Some parents didn’t allow their kids to go trick-or-treating at all this year in order to keep their kids safe.
Thanksgiving and Christmas are both holidays based on gatherings and spending quality family time. However, this is not ideal when there is a pandemic going around, therefore many people have to postpone their plans until next year. Eaton highschool physic and algebra teacher Mr. Weigle is being affected by this, saying “We always have a Christmas eve with my father-inlaw who’s in his seventies, and there are usually around twenty people who are there and this year we aren’t going to do it because we don’t feel safe having him around so many people.”