Concert ‘On the Green’
Band program holds outdoor performance
The EHS band program held its first outdoor concert on Saturday, October 22. Due to the conditions of the pandemic, the band program has been very flexible. Whether it was moving equipment around so rehearsal could be held or bearing the cold for a performance, Eaton’s musicians persevered.
The Marching, Jazz Combo, Jazz Ensemble, Concert, and Symphonic bands performed for the community members. The Symphonic band had a challenging set of four songs prepared for the concert. Euphonium player Erik Montague (22) said, “My favorite song we played was ‘Danse Bohemian’ because it challenged me more than any song has. It had a lot of crazy articulations and it helped me learn to play well at a loud volume”.
At the start of the year, band students did not know if they would have a performance. Regardless of the conditions, they continued to improve their musical skills. Through difficult times their love for music never fades. Percussionist and drummer Abby Whitaker (22) said, “The band program has given me something to be involved in at school. It has allowed me to meet and become closer with people that support my goals as a musician”.
Each band student is beginning to prepare for honor bands in November and their winter concert. Band Director Logan Doddridge said, “Given the circumstances and protocols we were required to follow, we did really well and I was proud of the kids. It was a lot of the students’ first concert, and we were out of our element. I am ready to move on to the next chapter of music this winter. I’m excited to see what we can do”.