Juan Maravilla (21) plans to attend college to play football at a collegiate level next fall. In the midst of enjoying his last year at EHS, Maravilla reflects on the lessons he’s learned and the memories he’s made in the last four years. Maravilla said, “I hope when I graduate I leave a positive legacy behind for the current and future students of EHS. I hope they embrace the culture and tradition that my classmates and I have worked to build. I would like them to always improve and in the process treat everyone like family, always.”
By mentoring younger students in LINK leadership and the football team, Maravilla has learned the importance of leadership roles. “The most important thing to me as a leader is to set a positive example for others. I want future students to follow good role models. That will create the best environment for Eaton High school,” Maravilla said.
Maravilla has contributed to the culture of EHS by reforming the treatment of underclassmen on the football team. “When I was a freshman, the underclassmen were bullied by the people we were supposed to look up to. My classmates and I wanted to change that and we hope the future of Eaton High School continues to lead with patience and kindness,” said Maravilla. Maravilla is a stand out leader in his class, as he embodies the EATON acronym: Excellence, Awareness, Tenacity, Ownership, and Noteworthiness.