No CAT? Imagine that
How will the in person CAT cancellation affect the students of Eaton High School?
In the past, students of Eaton High School have always been able to come in after school and get some extra help for their classes. Due to the Coronavirus, that all has changed. The students of the school have to be totally cleared out of the building only five minutes after the bell dismisses them. Whether they need help with school work, or even a place to retake tests that they missed in class, they have to find a different way to find that help.
Although CAT isn’t in person, the school is holding it online. This, however, could cause problems with students’ time management and might even reflect on their grades later in the school year. CAT is used by many students to get the help they need, like getting answers to questions, and getting extra time to work. Students think that this cancellation will affect their student lives and how they perform. Student Aaron Lampe (23) said, “If I do have questions it’s going to be harder to get answers.”
Lampe isn’t the only person that feels this way about the cancellation of CAT. Teacher Andrew Jorgenson said, “It’s one of those things now, where it’s really on the students.” This being said, the students of Eaton High School aren’t going to have as much help as they did in years past with the things that they need to get done.
Many difficulties may arise this year regarding CAT being cancelled, and students are going to have to really advocate for themselves. This year is full of surprises, and the students will just have to work with what they are given.