One Tribe, One Family
Students of Eaton High School share at least one thing in common: Red Pride. In a small town, it is easy to build community and fellowship with peers. Many students, parents, and Red’s fans can be found at the field on a Friday night supporting the football team, marching band, and spirit team. This is just one event that showcases the many talents and skills that Eaton’s student body holds. Each student and staff member is in the high school experience together, which means they reach their goals together, struggle together, and celebrate together. This ultimately ties the community together by showing them what it means to be a Fightin’ Red. Eaton holds its students to a high standard of excellence. This can be seen in clubs like FFA, NHS, GSA, FBLA, FCA EECO, Key Club, Student Council, and Legacy of Leadership. Performing arts such as marching band, symphonic and concert band, jazz ensemble and jazz combo, theatre, men and women’s choir, and bella voce and troubadours. The Agriculture program has grown by 40 students in the last two years, showing expanded interest and commitment. Student overall participation in sports, robotics club, and key club has increased. Just this year, FFA took four girls to Nationals in Indianapolis. The marching band won the State Championship for the first time ever this year. Those skilled in academics contribute a vital part of our school’s diversity. Being involved benefits you beyond graduation in two ways. First, it provides an outlet from school work and, a way to escape and do something for yourself. Second, being involved in school teaches you to find balance, to organize your time, and to prioritize what is most important to you. “One Tribe, One Family” means sticking together through losses and wins. Having a high school principal that continually supports the extra curriculars his students are involved in makes it easy for them to express their interests. This is Jay Tapia’s second year with the school district. At each event, Tapia can be recognized cheering on students in every activity. Coming together as a community to uplift students encourages them to continue doing what they love. Eaton would not be the school it has grown to be without the immense support coming from staff members, parents, and coaches. Likewise, high school students take their skills beyond their eight classes. They begin with talent, as the people around them fuel their passion. High school is the time to try hobbies you’re interested in. Ironically, it may end up becoming your escape from everyday life. With peer pressure, social media, keeping up with grades, and friends, teenagers have a lot going on. Having a driving passion helps students to make the most of their teen years. Involved students are proven to manage their time better. While each student succeeds on their own, it is important to remember what Red Pride means. Excellence, awareness, tenacity, ownership, and noteworthiness are part of the Eaton Red Pride acronym. Freshman in Eaton 101 learn how these words apply to their high school career. Learning to how to lead with integrity and support your peers relentlessly are two very important aspects of being an Eaton Red. ‘One Tribe, One Family’ means the community of Eaton celebrates all the aspects that make it so unique.