
The story behind Eaton’s school pride

  • Emily Hogsett (22), Ellie Bjork (22), and Emma Pinkstaff (22) dressed as ‘VSCO’ girls

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Sophomores dressed in pink for class color day
Seniors Savannah Noonan, Matea Floryance, and Payton Devlin dressed as ‘E-boys’.
Freshmen Karli Havel, Shelby Shuman, and Madison Flynn dressed as ‘VSCO’ girls
Seniors Mady Bruch and Shae Florence on Red Pride day
Seniors at powder puff and stuff game
Spirit Team at the parade
Seniors at powder puff game
Emily Hogsett (22), Ellie Bjork (22), and Emma Pinkstaff (22) dressed as ‘VSCO’ girls


         School spirit is the sense of identity and community shared by members of a school. According to a study conducted in the Spring of 2019 by Varsity Brands, “Students with higher levels of school spirit perform better academically, are more civically engaged, and are happier in general than their less-spirited peers.” School spirit is an issue constantly being discussed in the halls of Eaton High School. The “hype” in our school is very heavily concentrated on volleyball. The atmosphere of the games is loud, exciting, and full of student involvement. On the opposing side, a basketball or football game has low attendance, is silent, and little to no energy. Most of the school spirit is practiced by student council members, pep band, and the spirit team. Matea Floryance (20) said, “I would love to see more people dressing on school spirit days. If we could have almost everyone in the school dress up it would make homecoming week just a little more fun.” Self-awareness and caring about what their peers think of them is inevitable as a teenager, but making school pride the norm should be encouraged. Payton Devlin (20) said, “School spirit is necessary when trying to create that family aspect at school. We want to become a family by showing how much we support our school.” Every activity, sport or not, needs support from their peers. Each student is on the same team. Walker Scott (20) said, “School spirit is important to me because it lets me have a great time with my friends and gets me involved.” High school only lasts for four years, so make the most of it and get involved. Don’t take so heavily into consideration what your peers think.