Pennington and Messmer pictured with their awards (courtesy photo).
Andrea Pennington and Evan Messmer receive Superior ratings at theater competition
Production students, Andrea Pennington (19) and Evan Messmer (20), were awarded in the Superior Rated Individual Event after competing in events at the Colorado State Thespian Conference. To receive this award, an individual must take months to prepare a performance to present in front of judges from across the country with theatre backgrounds. The judges give scores to the participants: on a scale from one to four, four being ta superior rating. Pennington prepared a solo musical theatre while Messmer recited a monologue.
Because of the different types of performances, Messmer’s voice and character delivery determined his score. Pennington’s judges focused on her musical performance accompanied by her ability to enhance the character.
Pennington says the benefit of the award is “the overall experience. We get to go to nationals with the best theatre kids around the country. It is an honor.” If they receive another superior award at nationals, Messmer and Pennington will receive a medal. “We are the first people in Eaton history to get to go to nationals,” said Messmer, recognizing the magnitude of the prestigious award.
Kendra Hixon, their theatrical arts teacher, is proud of her students. “I give credit to them because they are the rockstars. It’s a ‘woohoo moment.’ We are moving up in the world. The little school is getting noticed,” Hixon said.
Pennington and Messmer will represent Eaton High School at nationals in Lincoln, Nebraska this June.